Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker


32 weeks and a basketball later...

Wow... this week is marker 32! We've come a long way... and as you can see, my body has come a long way too ;)
There's the most recent picture of me... I took it this morning, just to keep all of you (who don't get to see me very often) updated! Tomorrow I'll go in for the 32-wk check-up and I'll go again in 2 weeks, and then it will be weekly once I'm 35 weeks.
It's so funny because this past week, I have been ever-aware of Reece's presence... he's made sure I've been aware! He moves alot these days and man, is he a firm baby or what?! It sure feels like it. There's lots of moments during the day when I'll feel him move very close to the outside of my belly, and then you'll be able to see it- his little bottom will be wedging out or his knee or elbow or something! It is definitely a great experience. And even crazier, I may be feeling his legs moving up high- and at the same time this ambidextrous boy will be movin' his arms or hands around down low... and then I'll have the urge to run to the restroom! haha! He has definitely grown (and I know this is nowhere near the end of it)! I think he's about 16 inches long, or so... at least that what's research tells us. I'm also betting he's over 3 and a half pounds these days too. But all in all, I'll see if our Dr. tells us anything different--- as for now, I guess we'll find out how big he'll really be once he is born!
And speaking of birth, I have a close friend who should be having her baby today sometime... very exciting! It's hard for Garrett and I to believe that we're already at 32 weeks. That means we have 8 weeks (maybe less) to get the furniture put together and the nursery complete! We've taken care of lots of things in the nursery, but we still have to put the furniture together! I'm hoping we'll tackle that this weekend! Wow, if time flies by this fast now- I can only imagine how quickly it will fly by once he's here! I'm glad Erin & Jeremy will be having theirs in September, so we'll all be able to enjoy the newborn stage for an extra-long time! In fact, they've started blogging- so you can see their story if you'd like (it's under our friends).
Until next time... have a marvelous Monday and we will keep you posted through the progress!
"Now thanks be unto God, who always causes us to triumph in Christ..." 2 Corin. 2:14

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.