Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker


The Mom at 27 Weeks

This photo was taken on Wednesday... 27 weeks and 1 day.
This week he's been very active and it's made me quite aware of his kicking. I've read that after 32 weeks or so, I may not feel him move as much especially since he'll be growing so big and have less room to ride the bike around in me!
But oh how excited Garrett and I are to see his little face next Tuesday! We go to the sonogram Tuesday morning and we are very much looking forward to it. I've also read that he looks very similar to what he'll look like at birth... just thinner with less muscle. I guess we'll just have to see next Tuesday!
It was very exciting this week because Erin and Jeremy saw their baby for the first time. What a little swimmer he was... just moving all fours! Erin is at 10 weeks and has an early September due date. Our babies will be 4 months apart! How exciting!
Well, last night was water aerobics again and our instructor worked us hard! It was great though and I'm feeling great each time I go!
As for this weekend, Garrett and I are planning to gear up for the nursery. Since we have the bedding and furniture, he'll paint the nursery next weekend when he's off and then we can truly start putting it all together!
Woooohooooo... only 13 weeks left!
the excited mom,

1 comment:

Megan said...

You look SO cute! You're getting so close! It's going to fly by now...get ready! :) I love reading your blog! Have fun with the sono is so amazing. And you'll have to put up pictures of your nursery when you get it done! It's such a fun time and I know you're enjoying it!