And here he is getting great use out of his high-chair! Finally after all these months of it sitting boxed up in the garage, we've been able to use it the last 2 weeks. Thanks to his grandparents and Aunt Terri & Uncle Willie for the high-chair, he really likes it! And so do his parents ;)
Just loving Reece... that's what we've been doing. We've also been spending lots of time with church family. The Lord is faithful and we are beyond blessed to see His miraculous power work in the midst of us... there have been 2 recent testimonies of close friends of ours (both young women) who were diagnosed with tumors- potentially cancerous and maybe even in the brain. However, the Word of God works. Faith works. Today, a month later, both of these women have clean reports. Both of their stories are very detailed and glorify God more than I could ever express through this blog, but we are giving God all of the glory as He has shown Himself to be strong in their situatation!