Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker


T minus 9 weeks!

Good Monday to you all!

The picture to the right is of Sydney, the future aunt, and me from the OKC trip we took this weekend! Garrett and I don't plan to make any more out-of-town trips now that we're at 31 weeks :) I'm sure my doctor wouldn't recommend it either! (But I will say, that the road trip was quick enough and very comfortable!)

Reece is growing and my belly is growing- especially up on the left side. All is well, as we went to the doctor last week. I've started seeing him every 2 weeks now... so I know we're getting closer! The doctor told me that I don't need to worry about gestational diabetes because just like we knew it, I don't have that!

Garrett and I have been getting good sleep, but I will have to say that it looks like a mound of pillows on my side... I wedge myself in between all the pillows so that it makes it challenging for me to get out of bed... it's quite hilarious, but comfortable!

Life is busy and very exciting as we count down the next 9 weeks. We can try to predict when he'll come, but we'll just have to see! Now Garrett would love to have him at the end of April... wouldn't we all? We're not rushing him though as we continually thank God for a "full-term, healthy, perfect baby."

And here's a photo of part of the "expectant family!" Erin and I are both pregnant and I know Mom and Sydney can't wait for the babies to come!

We are looking forward to it and I'll keep you updated!

1 comment:

Colleen Anne Brooks said...

Hey Farrell! I can't believe you are already down to 9 weeks, very exciting! I enjoyed reading your blogs about the pregnancy, and I hope you enjoy this short time before Reece arrives! Have a great week! blessings- colleen